New Patient Form

We know your pet’s health is important and we thank you for trusting us to care for them. To help us provide the best care possible, please take a few moments to fill out this form completely. Thank you!

Your email address will only be used for our automatic reminder system that informs you when your pet’s vaccines, recheck appointments, and any other pertinent information regarding your pet, are due. This method will be used in lieu of reminder cards or phone calls.

How did you learn about our clinic?
Do you have pet insurance?
Is your pet spayed or neutered?


I hereby authorize the veterinarian to examine, prescribe for, and/or treat the above described pet. I assume full responsibility for all charges incurred for the care of this animal. I also understand that these charges will be paid at the time of release and that a deposit may be required for surgical treatment. I authorize Newport Animal Hospital to use photographs of my pet for purposes of publicity, advertising, web content, and/or the Newport Facebook page.

I accept